Everyone wins. Every time.
SurgeonsOEMsSPDsPatients win.

Everyone wins. Every time.
SurgeonsOEMsSPDsPatients win.
Say goodbye to improperly sterilized instruments and late trays. We handle the entire lifecycle of an instrument set—picking up soiled trays, ensuring proper sterilization, and delivering OEM loaner trays on schedule. Instrumentum gets it done right, every time.

It’s a Game-Changer For Everyone.
Surgical instrument sterilization needs to change—no, it needs to be disrupted. That’s why we’re bringing long-needed innovation to an outdated process.

SPDs instantly right-size their staff, equipment, and space. You no longer need to reprocess and store OEM loaner trays. Instead, your team can focus on quality and patient safety.
OEM Reps
With increased instrument turns, reps no longer need to worry about tracking down instruments, shipping them from other territories, or handling tray deliveries and pickups.
Hospital Leaders
There’s no need to expand your SPD facility, upgrade equipment, or fill difficult-to-find technician roles. This makes surgeons feel more confident and schedule more procedures at their hospitals and surgery centers.
OEM Leadership
Reduce stress on your supply chain, eliminate expensive freight costs, and lower capital expenditures. Tray utilization nearly doubles, increasing from 3 monthly procedures to an impressive 6 or more.
Re-energize your SPD
Instrumentum spoke with hundreds of SPD technicians, leaders, surgeons, medical device reps, and executives, and the results were clear: many SPDs are undersized, understaffed, poorly equipped, and overwhelmed with vendor loaner trays. These challenges often lead to cutting corners, disrupting surgical schedules, and causing unnecessary setbacks. But there’s a better way. By partnering with Instrumentum, you can eliminate these issues and instantly streamline your SPD department.
100% Confidence
Stop worrying about delays or canceled surgeries due to improperly sterilized instruments. Hospitals, ASC Administrators, and surgeons can trust that instruments are properly sterilized and delivered on time.
2x Asset Utilization
Instrument set utilization increases from 3 to over 6 surgeries each month. Reps have more time with surgeons, leading to more procedures without more instrumentation.
Scale with Market Needs
We help you keep up with the growing demand for total joint replacement surgeries by easing your team’s workload, eliminating extra on-site tray storage, and avoiding costly facility and equipment investments.
The Instrumentum way

Instrumentum is more than just a partner—it’s a movement driven by passionate people redefining what’s possible in SPD. Our team is united in raising the bar for sterilization practices and ensuring every patient receives the highest standard of care. We’re not just here to support your SPD department; we’re here to transform it. Together, we’re building a future where excellence in sterilization isn’t optional—it’s the standard.

Let’s Make a Difference Together
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a critical concern in healthcare, often resulting in serious complications and even higher mortality rates. Your patients—and their families—deserve better. With Instrumentum, you can trust that every surgical instrument is sterilized to the highest standard, protecting your reputation as a trusted provider. Because at the end of the day, everyone wins when patient care comes first.